I love helping people (un)learn. My favorite folks to supervise are people who strive to deconstruct what they were taught in school and develop a more inclusive mindset. I want to help people who are on a specific mission to provide culturally informed care that is anti racist and pro human. And also pro queer, pro Trans, pro fat, pro Autistic, pro disabled, pro Black, pro Brown, pro sex work, pro womanist, pro feminist, pro pro pro pro. I want to work with people who are actively working against white supremacy culture - which is a big ask, I know, because it’s everywhere! It’s in your grad school program, in the agency where you did your practicum, where you work now, and in you. It’s in me, too! It’s one of the biggest contributors to the very mental health issues we strive to heal in our clients. I want to teach you what I know (and I’m still learning all the time), and I want to support your journey.

If this speaks to you and you think you might want to work with me, please fill out this form. I’ll be in touch!

Individual supervision - $100/person for 60 min

Equine-facilitated supervision (“ooo sounds fun!” yes it is.) $100/person for 60 min.

April 21, 2023 - Supervision for Revolutionaries

May 26th, 2023 - Supervision for Revolutionaries

June 23rd, 2023 - Supervision for Revolutionaries